Upanayana Sanskar or Thread Ceremony
It is also called “Yagyopavita Sanskar” . In this Sanskar the bachelor is given “Gayatri Updesh” (a mantra which is considered one of the most auspicious, mantras for individual ) by the Acharya (preceptor) and the Guru or Acharya teaches the bechelor about ‘Vedas’ and also about the behavioural code of conduct and disciplinesof “Bhramacharya-Ashrama” (bachelorhood). After Upnayana the person is called ‘Dwija’ or reborn. He is said to taken rebirth from the womb of Acharya as a responsible and disciplined member of the society. After this Sanskar the person wears a sacred thread . It contains three threads reminding the person that he has to pay his three debits i.e.
(1) Pitri Rina (debt of parents)
(2) Rishi Rina (debt of those who gave him knowledge )
(3) Deva Rina (debt of God)
Three more threads are contained which show the ‘pravaras’ relating to a particular ‘Kula’ or family. This Sanskar also signifies a new phase of life as student.
Time: Counting the age from birth from conception, the age prescribed is 5th or 8th year for Brahmins; 6th or 11th year for Kayashtas and 8th or 12th for ‘Vaishyas’. The maximum age limit is 16 year for Brahmins, 22 years for Kayasthas and 24 years for Vaishyas.
Solar months of Makara, Kumbha, Meena, Mesha, Vrishbha and Mithuna avoidingb Harishayana (i.e. the period from Ashada Shukla 11 to Kartika Shukla 11 ) are considered good. Upanayana of eldest son should not be done when Sun is in Tarus. Sun in Gemini is good only for Kayashtas and Vaishyas. Solar month of chitra (sun in Pices ) is very auspicious in Upnayana.
Nakshatra : All fixed nakshatras (i.e. Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashada, Uttarabhadrapad and Rohini ) all friendly nakshatras (i.e. Hastha, Ashwini, Pushya and Abhijit ) and all movable nakshatras (i.e. Swati, Punarvasu, Shravana, Dhanistha and Shatbhisha ) are considered auspicious. Punarvasu is not considered favorable for Brahmins.
Naksatras for various Veda branches or Shakhas :
For ‘Rig-vedis’ Mrigshira, Ardra, Aslesha, Hasta, Poorvafalguni, Poorvashada and Poorvabhadrapad are auspicious.
For ‘Yajur-vedis’ Revati, Hastha,Anuradha, Pushya, Mirgshira, Punarvasu, Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashada, Uttarabhadrapad and Rohini are considered auspicious.
For ‘Saam-vadis Ashwini, Dhanistha, Hastha, Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashada, Uttarabhadrapad, Ardra and Shravana are considered auspicious.
For ‘Atharva-vadis’ Mrigshira,Revati, Hasta, Ashwini, Pushya, Anuradha,Dhanishta and Punarvasu nakshatras are considered considered auspicious.
Tithis: 2/3/5/10/11/12 tithis of bright half and 2/3/5 tithis of dark half are considered auspicious for Upnayana Sanskar. Avoid Ashada Shukla-10, Jyestha Shukla-2,Pausa Shukla 11, Magha Shukla 12 and samkranti day. All Rikta tithis (4/9/14) and Galgraha tithis (13/14/15/30/1/4/7/8/9 ) are avoided.
Days : All days except Tuesday and Saturday are good. For Saamvedis even Tuesday is auspicious.
Part of the day : Divide the length of the day in three parts. Upnayana is considered auspicious in first part of the day and inauspicious in third part of the day.
Lagnas: In Upnayana lagna benefic placed in Kendras and Trikonas and Malfics placed in 3/6/11 houses are considered good.
Avoid Jupiter, Venus, Moon and Lagna Lord in 6th or 8th house, avoid Venus and Moon in 12th house and avoid malfics in 5th or 8th house.
Full Moon, exalted or in its own house is considered very auspicious in lagna.
Upnayana Lagna and Moon should be in the navamasha of mercury, Jupiter or Venus. Moon in its own navamasha is not considered auspicious except in 4th quarter of Shravana or Punarvasu nakshatras.
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