Sri Mohan Das.
The Taitteraya Upanishad which forms a part of Taitteraya Aranyaka of the Krishnayajur
Veda. It consists of the first chapter known as the Sikshavallli where the great sage Bhrigu
Maharishi propiates the Lord to grant him good and deserving students from all sides so
that He could also have a good reputation as being a good teacher. What work will a good
teacher have bereft of worthy students?
It is no wonder that a great seer like Bhrigu asks for worthy disciples. According to Gaudiya
Madhwa philosophy no Guru gets emancipation without granting gnaana to the disciples
ordained by the Lord and hence the Guru disciple relationship according to
Srimadaachaaryaa is totally an interdependent relationship. This same Bhrigu
Maharishi is born as Sri Vijayadaasaru and is blessed with worthy disciples like Sri Gopala
Das, Sri Jagannatha Das, Sri Mohana Das and a host of other luminaries who
illuminated the daasa saahitya horizon. One of his chief pupils was Sri Mohana das.
In a small village near Anegondi Bheemaana Nayaka was residing with his wife Yagyamma
and was running a financial institution with the help of his three brothers. Due to ill fate
Bheemanna suddenly died and the his wife was pregnant at that time and the three
brothers mercilessly drove away her confiscating all the property by tarnishing her image.
She went from pillar to post for sustenance and could not bear the torture of poverty. Even
her mother who was the only succor also died of grief on seeing the plight of her daughter.
Now the child was born and to add to the sufferings it was an invalid. The child had sores
all over the body with puss and blood oozing out from it.
The lady took the child to Hampi and as the Lord desired the great Vijay das had
arrived there from Chikalparvi for celebrating Purandaradasara Aradhana. During this
aradhana after a long time the lady with the child sat for meals and this time the child had
severe dysentery which made other people around also to leave their leaves and flee the
place. This was too much for the lady and she decided to end her life the next
morning. In the wee hours she left the baby behind and went to commit suicide and the
baby started weeping loudly. She could not proceed further and rushed to the baby and
fondled it affectionately.
Sri Vijay das was going for the regular darshan of Yantroddharaka Hanmuman and met
the child and its mother. As mentioned in the Vijarayara Kavacha by His disciple Kallur
Subbanaacharyaru this great dasa removes the Bhava roga itself and this disease was not a
great challenge to Him. He accepted Yagyamma as His sister and
bathed the child singing the devaranama
Chiranjeevi agirallu china neeenuu...........
He took the child to Chikalaparvi and gave abhiseka milk to drink and the holy gandha
applied to the Lord was the medicine for the superficial wounds and sores of the child. Sri
Vijay das implored the Lord to cure this baby by singing
Yivana paalisadare ninage Punyaa................
The child became not only absolutely normal but also very beautiful and was christened as
Mohana (for he had a mohana rupa). This incident clearly highlights the importance of the
grace of the guru and if achieved even impossible becomes within reach. After the regular
Chowla, Aksharabyaasaa, Veda adyana the guru sought a good girl called Seethamma who
was only 9 years old and after attaining puberty she lived with Mohana
das happily.
Sri Vijay das decided that time was ripe for Mohana to be included into the das
kootaa. He gave the ankhita along with the kaavi shaati to be worn as mundaaas after
subjecting him to the usual tests before becoming a das.
The guru has to sing a song with the ankhita of both the guru and sishya in that song and he
did accordingly by singing
Paahi Mohana Vitthalaaa..........
Sri Vijay das decided to go for the third kaasi yatra and called seethaamma and said
that some harm may befall Her husband and she should not perturb but remember Him at
that time. (Vijay das was a great aparoksha gyaani and could foresee the future).
Similarly, suddenly Mohana das died and he was taken to Yamapatna.
Mohana das pleaded ignorance and thought of His guru. Meanwhile, on the earth the
wife locked the door with the body as the crowd had gathered around to force
cremation and she reverentially prayed to Sri Vijay das.
The Lord in the Gita, clearly mentions.(Chapter10 shloka 25) Maharshinaam bhriguraham
and for the great dasa it was not difficult to reach Yama patna
and he was received with utmost honours. Everyone has the misconception that
Yamapatna is a personification of torture and torment but great personalities are revered
here and they have a special entrance.
The sage told Yamadharmaraaja that a mistake had occurred and a shepherd named
Mohana was to be taken and yama said it will take a long time for the soul to reach the
earth but dasaru said that the body will be preserved till that time. Mohana das got up
as from slumber and the shepherd died and with tears he washed the guru’s feet
singing the song.
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